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FAQ: 40-Hour Training


1. What is unique about the SEEDS Training?


We spend a third of the training on communication skills that can be used in mediation and in many other situations. We have a commitment to equity in our mediation model, including tips on managing power dynamics during a mediation. During the training, participants have the opportunity to practice their skills and receive personal coaching and feedback from certified mediators.


2. Can I get a certificate if I miss part of the training?


We recommend that you do not miss any parts of the class as it will limit your understanding and proficiency. If you do need to miss class, please let the Coordinator know and your certificate will reflect the actual hours you attended class. We do not provide certificates for less than 30 hours. We do not provide any opportunities for make-ups.


3. What does a 40-hour certificate provide? Do I need a 40-hour certificate?


Mediation courses typically run 25, 32, or 40 hours. DRPA (Dispute Resolution Programs Act of 1986) requirements take 25 hours to complete and include specific required components. The 40hr standard arose out of court mediation programs. They typically request a 40 hour certificate as one of their criteria for joining their mediation panels. A 40 hour course provides excellent readiness to begin mediation both in personal and professional contexts. However, you can be qualified to mediate without a full 40 hour certificate.


4. Do you offer financial assistance?


Yes, we offer need-based financial assistance by application. Please reach out to for more information or to receive an application.


5. Who attends the trainings?


Mediation training is open to the general public and includes people from all walks of life. Our trainings generally include a robust and well-rounded exchange of perspectives, knowledge and lived experiences.


6. How many people attend each training?


SEEDS public mediation and restorative justice trainings typically host between 15-30 participants.


7. How early should I register for a training?


SEEDS public trainings tend to reach maximum registration at least 2-6 weeks before a training. Sign-up early to reserve your spot!


8. May I be connected with a past training student to discuss the training experience?


Coming soon! We will be able to connect you with previous training students in our SEEDS Alumni Ambassador program.


9. I would like to become a mediator as a new career; how can I begin this process?


The mediation market is undeveloped and relatively unknown by the public. Mediation is also a non-regulated industry, so there is no standard that is enforced by a governing body. It is very challenging to charge a fee for mediation that will cover the expenses of the mediator; legal disputes regarding money are usually mediated by attorneys or judges, and community members in conflict are hesitant to pay much for mediation.


However, there are some potential opportunities for a profitable mediation practice:

  • Settlement mediations are commonly provided in the legal field.  They differ from community model mediations as they are mediated by former judges who evaluate cases and mostly use shuttle diplomacy, with the parties staying apart in separate rooms.  This is the most lucrative area of practice.

  • Attorneys may include mediation as part of their practices, the most common being in family and workplace law.  Few attorneys mediate full time, most supplement their practices with doing legal work and training in addition to mediation.

  • Very few non-attorneys have full-time businesses in mediation.  Most mediation practitioners include mediation as an additional service to facilitation, org development, or related businesses.

  • It could be possible for a business to pay for a workplace mediation, and divorcing couples are often more likely be willing to pay for mediation services.

  • Many large businesses have begun to implement mediation programs. Most, however, are connected to their HR department and other qualifications would be needed to be an HR employee.

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1721 Broadway Suite 201 
Oakland, CA 9

SEEDS is not open for in-person services.

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